Café Milagro Coffee Mug

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 Grab a signature Café Milagro 11-ounce coffee mug with full color logo and be reminded every morning of your last visit to Manuel Antonio! There's no better way to enjoy A Taste of Paradise.


  • 5

    Cafe Milagro Coffee Mug

    Posted by Patrick Abel on 16th Dec 2019

    I previously posted a review of this item and stated that it had a crack which made it unusable. I want readers to know that Cafe Milagro sent sincere apologies and a new mug is on the way. This company cares about their customers!

  • 5

    Fun mug

    Posted by Paul Perlmutter on 14th Jan 2017

    Fun mug. Very nicely done.

  • 5

    Upgraded Cup to include COSTA RICA on the reverse side

    Posted by Aggie Veld Finkenbinder on 13th May 2016

    I REALLY like the cup you offered for Mother's Day. U bought one when I was at the cafe last summer and so I decided to give this one to my research assistant. When she opened the box you shipped it in, I discovered that it has CR in the back. Mine DOESN'T. Wah! Now I'm going to have to get a new one when I return this summer :) NOTHING WRONG with the first one - I just like swing Costa Rica on Emilie's. See you in June!